COMPETITIONS TIMELINEOutlining just some of the open call competitions and exhibitions across the UK.
SIXTEEN ONLINE ARTISTS SHOWS : OCTOBERThis October there's some great art to see from the collective both at Sixteen Gallery and beyond.
INTRODUCING: ARTISTS AND FRIENDSFor October, thinking on the idea of friendship and collaboration, we're highlighting two friends from the collective.
JOIN THE SIXTEEN GALLERY POSTCARD EXHIBITIONCreate an artwork for the Sixteen Gallery postcard exhibition 3rd to the 16th October
SIXTEEN ONLINE ARTISTS SHOWS : SEPTEMBERThe highlights of all the shows across the South from the Collective's artists.
MEETING MEMBERS OF THE COLLECTIVEMeet a pair of artists who've been part of the community from the beginning.
OUR TOP 3 APPS FOR EDITING PHOTOS OF YOUR ARTWORKA short overview of our favourite tools to edit photos of your artwork.
SIXTEEN ONLINE ARTISTS SHOWS : AUGUSTThere's a lot to look forward to from the community this August.
NEW MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITYJoining us last month, two artists who nicely highlight the diversity of the members of the community: Chris Knapman & Olivia Meredith.
10 THINGS WE'VE SEEN REALLY SUCCESSFUL ARTIST'S DO - FREE DOWNLOADDownload your free PDF packed full of important information on growing as an artist and making more money from your work.